Saturday, May 8, 2010

Doing all things in close communion with our loving Lord

Dear Friends,

Thanks for stopping by!

Hope you are having a blessed Lord's day too. Thank God for blessing my time of worship and fellowship with His beloved people.

I was reading this devotional from Charles H Spurgeon and greatly blessed by it. Such a precious reminder to me. I love to be busy for the Lord as I am sensible that my life belongs to the Lord and is to be lived for His glory. But I do realized that sometimes I have become too much of a Martha and I forget to be a Mary! You know what I mean :)

Sometimes I get too busy with serving the Lord that I began to spend lesser and lesser time with His Words or prayers. How mistaken am I that serving Him is foremost and how forgetful am I that without Him I can do nothing! What God truly wants is not what I can do for Him but my relationship with Him, my love for Him and my fellowship with Him.

Oh, such a Great and Majestic God condescend to love such weak and frail creature of dust such as me and how He delights to spend time with me! This is unimaginable!

How can I ever understand the depths and heights of His love! Love so divine, love is so unconditional and sacrificial that He sent His only begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ to die for my sins and saved me from eternal damnation.

This same Lord is my Good Shepherd Who watches over me daily and keeps me in His loving care.

Oh, for more love to Him and devotion to Him, so that whatever I do is for His glory and out of sincere love and gratitude for His abundant love and mercy.

Whenever the Lord enables me to wake up earlier in the morning and spend precious quiet time with Him, reading His Words, praying and singing Psalms, how refreshing that is to my soul! How He enables me to know His love sensibly and so real. It's like a little taste of Heaven on earth! Then I find such joy and peace as I walk with Him through all the ups and downs in the day. I found that He gives me grace and courage to face whatever challenges knowing that His grace is sufficient for me and that He is in total control and working all things for His glory and my good. What a comfort and blessed assurance! May I never forget the need to walk close with Him.

How much I need Him! Have you experience this too? 

Hope you too will be encouraged by this encouraging article.
“Come, my beloved, let us go forth into the field ... let us see if the vine flourish.” Song of Solomon 7:11, 12

The church was about to engage in earnest labour, and desired her Lord’s company in it. She does not say, “I will go,” but “let us go.” It is blessed working when Jesus is at our side! 

It is the business of God’s people to be trimmers of God’s vines. Like our first parents, we are put into the garden of the Lord for usefulness; let us therefore go forth into the field. 

Observe that the church, when she is in her right mind, in all her many labours desires to enjoy communion with Christ. Some imagine that they cannot serve Christ actively, and yet have fellowship with him: they are mistaken. 

Doubtless it is very easy to fritter away our inward life in outward exercises, and come to complain with the spouse, “They made me keeper of the vineyards; but mine own vineyard have I not kept;” but there is no reason why this should be the case except our own folly and neglect. 

Certain is it that a professor may do nothing, and yet grow quite as lifeless in spiritual things as those who are most busy. Mary was not praised for sitting still; but for her sitting at Jesus’ feet. Even so, Christians are not to be praised for neglecting duties under the pretence of having secret fellowship with Jesus: it is not sitting, but sitting at Jesus’ feet which is commendable. 

Do not think that activity is in itself an evil: it is a great blessing, and a means of grace to us. Paul called it a grace given to him to be allowed to preach; and every form of Christian service may become a personal blessing to those engaged in it.

Those who have most fellowship with Christ are not recluses or hermits, who have much time to spare, but indefatigable labourers who are toiling for Jesus, and who, in their toil, have him side by side with them, so that they are workers together with God. 

Let us remember then, in anything we have to do for Jesus, that we can do it, and should do it in close communion with him.

Taken from Charles H Spurgeon's Morning and Evening, 9 May, Evening. For more Spurgeon's Morning and Evening devotional visit website

Click here to see the video of the song "Trust and Obey"

Thank you for stopping by. Take care and have a blessed Lord's day and week!

Warm Regards,

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