Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Is any remedy available for the "bird nest gate"

Regarding the Bird Nest Gate, my view is the same as the Ming Pao Editorial (translated by ESWN here).

I am not going into the alternative one could have taken, which are plentiful (e.g. having the 2 girls sing side by side, etc). We do not have a time tunnel.

But there is indeed remedy, if taken, would more than compensate China (and the people responsible) with the honour it lost. The remedy is very simple, but requires some courage, quite some substantial courage. I would ask for all those responsible, Director Zhang Yimou, Music Director Chen Qigang, BOCOG chairman and the Politburo member to issue a public apology to the world, the nation and the 2 girls. China will not lose face, instead, it will earn enormous respect from the world.

This is how to turn a disaster around, just as they did during the earthquake.

The BOCOG and Mr Chen Qigang had done some damage control by telling the truth. But this is not enough. Can we expect such courage from the Chinese leaders, "for the nation's interest"? Is China really becoming the country our "Motherland Hymn" sings to?

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