Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Enjoying God through nature and beauties of His creations

Dear Friends,

Thanks for stopping by!

Thank God for seeing us through another week. It's so good to be reminded on every Thursday to count my blessings and remember to give thanks and praise to God.

♥ Thank God for seeing me through another busy and tiring week, and giving me much joy and strength in Him daily.

♥ I thank God for the beauties of His creations. I thank God for giving me an opportunity and joy of going with my very dear Church Aunty, AR, to East Coast Beach, Singapore recently. AR stays near the Beach and we love to go there together. I particularly love the beach as it always remind me of the majesty of God. What a Great God we serve! He Who creates the beautiful nature around us, loves us and cares for us daily. We can cast all our anxieties upon Him. Whenever I am going through difficult time I like to go to beach and be reminded that God is so powerful and great. He loves me dearly and all my trouble are like just a drop of water in His sea of mercies. He can still all the storms in my life and see me safely through them.

   I took this picture at East Coast Beach, Singapore

Be still, and know that I am God:
Psalm 46:10

♥ I thank God for giving us the gift of creativity and the new technology of photography to capture some of the beauties of His creations. Taking walks in the nature is one of my therapeutic hobbies.  Photography is another of my therapeutic hobbies. It gives me a lot of joy. I love to take pictures of nature, beach, flowers and the beauties of God's creations. Whenever I look back at these photos I will remember with joy the time I spend in nature and just bathing in God's love and the beauties of His creations. It brings such calmness and quietness to my heart.

Here are some photos and video I took of East Coast Beach, Singapore:

A video of East Coast Beach. I love to watch the waves:

♥ I thank God for my family, my church, my friends and everyone of you, my dear blogging friends, and for your prayers and encouragements. They mean a lot to me.You have made a great difference in my life by your friendship and encouragements. I thank God for every one of you. May God may your visit here a blessed one too!

To read more Thankful Thursday visit Iris

Thank you for stopping by. Take care and have a blessed day!

Warm Regards,

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