Thursday, November 12, 2009

POETRY FRIDAY: Double Dactyls

Back in October, Tricia asked people to try writing double dactyls for a Monday Poetry Stretch. You’ll find those stretch results at the following post at The Miss Rumphius Effect: Poetry Stretch Results - Double Dactyls Galore!

I wrote three double dactyls for that Poetry Stretch, which I posted here—at Blue Rose Girls.

For Poetry Friday this week, I revised one of those double dactyls—and I wrote a few more. All of the double dactyls I’m posting today are about characters from children’s books and fairy tales.

Higgeldy piggeldy
Charlotte Cavatica,
Writer and weaver,
Spun tales for her friend,

Wilbur, the runt pig
She nurtured and cherished.
That spider was loyal
And true to the end.

Higgeldy piggeldy
Vegan Pete Rabbit
Pilfered some lettuce
And carrots and kale.

Mister McGregor
Chased after that bunny
But Peter escaped
By the fluff of his tail.

Higgeldy piggeldy
Poor Sleeping Beauty
Slumbered for decades
Because of a spell.

Prince Charming knelt down and
Kissed the prone princess.
They married. They’re happy.
There’s no more to tell.

Higgeldy piggeldy
Sad Cinderella
Sat in the ashes
Bemoaning her fate.

Godmother fairy
Said: “Honey, don’t blubber.
My magic will score you
A rich, handsome mate.”

Higgeldy piggeldy
Beauty was grossed out
Watching the ugly Beast
Gnoshing raw boar.

“God,” she said, “can’t you please
Masticate quietly!
Dining with you is
A distasteful chore.”


I have three new posts at Political Verses this week: Driving Drunk: A Short Poem about Mary Strey; A Dead Rabbit Toss Competition Poem; and Making the Grade.

At Blue Rose Girls, I have some light verse by Arthur Guiterman.

Gregory K. of GottaBook has the Poetry Friday Roundup here: The Lament of Thursday the 12th (a poem) and the Poetry Friday Roundup!

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