Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Thank God I am feeling better...

Dear Friends,

Thanks for stopping by, and for your prayers and encouragements.

I am thankful for the rest these few days and thank God I am feeling better. I have started taking my anti-depressant, Prozac and I think it is beginning to take effect now.

I have been very exhausted over the last few months but I wasn't feeling down. My moods fluctuated every now and then but it didn't plunge into depression until a few days ago. Now as I look back, I suspect I may have burn-out as I was extremely busy with various commitments.

I found one helpful article on burnout:

Preventing Burnout by

Though I tried to slow down over the last few months, I was still very occupied generally and constantly tired. I was too tired to write on this blog or to visit blogs. But you are in my thoughts and prayers. I do missed all of you very much.

Managing this condition is a very great challenge to me. Pacing myself is a constant challenge daily as when I am well I have many projects on my hands and tend to do more and more things. I get carried away :)

Perhaps this is part of the gift of this condition, the creativity and energy to accomplish many things. But the other side of this condition, is that after prolonged busy period, I tend to burn-out and plunge into depression. I am thankful that with medication and other helps, I am feeling better faster and more functional. In the past, it would take about 3 to 6 months before I start feeling better and be functional again.

The feeling of depression is still very distressing nevertheless. Each relapse brings along a fear that I will never get better. But thank God that He does delivers and now with various helps, He delivers me more speedily.

I know I must not over-exert myself yet. I am looking forward to go out tomorrow to visit an elderly lady that is coming to know our Lord Jesus Christ as her Saviour, to read the Bible, sing Psalms and pray with her. I find much joy in giving of myself to help others. It gives me a sense of usefulness despite my condition and brings me great joy.

Thanks again for stopping by. Take care!

Warm regards,

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