Tuesday, February 10, 2009

CCTV staff ignored police intervention

All was as speculated in my earlier post. Though the police might not have been persistent enough. But the Question remains: who was so powerful that police intervention were rejected? What "title" did he throw at the police officer?

本报讯(记者安然)市消防局新闻发言人骆原上午透露, 昨夜中央电视台新址园区附属文化中心工地发生的火灾,原因已经初步查明。骆原表示:“ 火灾是由于工地现场内业主单位的人不听民警劝阻, 执意违法燃放烟花所造成的。”

据介绍, 着火的央视新址园区附属文化中心大楼, 分为演播大厅、数字化处理机房和北京文华东方酒店,目前尚未正式投入使用,也没有经过消防验收。消防部门的初步调查显示, 引燃大楼的烟花是一种礼花弹,属于A类烟花。在燃放过程中,曾有治安民警在现场劝阻,但是没有起到作用。

在晚上8时27分接到报警之后,119指挥中心迅速调派27个中队、85部消防车,共595名消防官兵前往扑救。作为主责中队的红庙消防中队首先到达现场, 指导员张建勇带领4名战士进入火场, 展开侦查工作, 并同时寻找被困在楼内的部分保安和工程项目负责人。在侦查火情过程中, 官兵们发现火情极为复杂, 于是从14楼下撤,此时烟气弥漫,视线受到影响,行动已经非常困难。下到8楼时,已经几乎难以行动。最终,有3名消防员成功到达了1层, 但随即与外界彻底失去联系。后续赶到的消防官兵立刻展开救援, 于晚上11时30分, 将被困于一层和八层的官兵解救出来。但张建勇因吸入大量有毒气体,抢救无效,不幸牺牲。在扑救期间,除张建勇外,还有6名消防员和1名工地工作人员受伤。

据消防局介绍, 张建勇生于1979年2月26日,本月即将迎来30岁生日。他1998年从沈阳入伍,2002年提干,牺牲前为副营职指导员。他的妻子目前在北京一家医院工作,父母在沈阳老家。今天上午,张建勇父母来到北京。

据介绍, 起火的大楼地上30层,地下3层,建筑面积10.3万平方米,部分面积过火,具体情况正在勘察中。火灾造成文化中心外立面严重受损,大楼西、南、东侧外墙装修材料过火。经过消防官兵的奋力扑救,火势没有蔓延到北外立面和演播大厅,也没有造成建筑主体结构损害。据目击者说, 火灾首先从楼顶着起来, 在短时间内沿外立面蔓延开来。骆原说,火灾蔓延如此之快,与建筑材料、建筑物高度都有直接关系。“30层的楼, 楼顶上的风力很大, 对火势蔓延产生了直接影响。”而且由于该楼尚未完全竣工, 楼内的消防设施不全, 赶来扑救的消防队即使使用98米的云梯车, 水枪也难以到达楼顶。目前, 有关部门已经查扣了尚未燃放的礼花弹等各种物证, 事故具体原因正在进一步调查中。

Fire In Nearby Television Culture Center Works Site in New CCTV Tower Site — Caused By Illegal Fireworks

Luo Yuan, the spokesman of the Beijing Municipal Fire Brigade, revealed this morning that causes for the fire last night at the Television Culture Center site have now initially been found out. Luo Yuan stated: “The fire was caused because STAFF OF THE BUILDING OWNER inside the site REFUSED TO listen to police advice AND INSISTED ON setting off fireworks in the site.”

As briefed, the building on fire is the Television Culture Center, which is split into a broadcast hall, a digitization room and the Mandarin Hotel, which are presently not in service and have not underwent fire brigade inspections. Fire brigade authorities investigations initially conclude that the fireworks that caused the fire was a Class A fireworks. DURING THE FIREWORK SHOW, Police were on hand to attempt to obstruct the fireworks from being set off, but attempts at obstruction WAS IN VAIN.

A fire report was received by the fire brigade at 20:27. The Beijing 119 fire brigade instruction center quickly dispatched 27 fire brigade groups, 85 cars and 595 fire fighters to extinguish the fire. The Hongmiao fire brigade was the main responsible group and arrived first on the scene. The instructor, Zhang Jianyong, guided four fire fighters and entered the scene, and at the same time, looked for some security guards and the project manager trapped in the building.

In discovering the fire, fire fighters found the situation extremely complex; hence they went down from the 14th floor. At this time, smoke was all over the place, hampering visibility; movement was extremely encumbered. Upon arriving at the 8th floor, it was almost impossible to move. In the very end, three fire fighters reached the ground floor, but immediately lost contact with the outside world. Fire fighters which arrived subsequently immediately started rescue operations, and rescued fire fighters trapped in floors 1 to 8. Unfortunately, Zhang Jianyong died due to inhaling excess amounts of poisonous gas. During the rescue operations, 6 other fire fighters and one other works site personnel were also injured, apart from Zhang Jianyong.

As briefed by the fire brigade authorities, Zhang Jianyong, born February 26, 1979, was supposed to turn 30 this year. He became a firefighter in 1998 and was promoted in 2002. Prior to his death, his post was a deputy-post instructor. His wife presently works at a hospital. His parents live in Shenyang. This morning, both parents arrived in Beijing.

As briefed, the building on fire had 30 floors above ground and 30 floors underground, with a building area of 103,000 square meters. Investigations are still ongoing in the parts burnt. The fire caused serious damage to the outside of the building, with the western, southern, and eastern parts of the exterior burnt. Thanks to rescue efforts by the fire fighters, the fire did not spread to the northern exterior and did not damage the main structure.

Eyewitnesses stated that the fire first started from the upper parts of the building, which then spread quickly to the outside. Luo Yuan said that the fire was able to spread so quickly due to the material used in renovating the building. “This was a 30-storey building with a lot of wind on the top part of the building, thereby directly impacting the duration of the fire.” In addition, due to the fact that the building was as yet unfinished and had incomplete fire fighting devices, water guns proved to be ineffective even when used with a 98-meter raised ladder.

Right now, associated departments have already taken hold of fireworks which were not set off, and are continuing the investigation leading to the cause.


違法放煙花致畄天火 央視道歉 2009年2月11日

【明 報專訊】中央電視台新址內的文化中心大樓前晚發生嚴重火災,造成1死7傷,北京消防局昨日證實,火災係央視不聽民警勸阻,執意違法燃放煙花所致,涉案疑犯 和物證已被警方監控。資料顯示,火災物業業主單位是中央電視台新台址建設工程辦公室,辦公室主任為今年50歲的央視副總工程師徐威。

北京市 公安局消防局副局長、新聞發言人駱原昨日稱,初步調查顯示,引燃大樓的煙花是禮花彈。業主單位前晚聘用湖南一間煙花爆竹公司人員,在大樓西南角空地上燃放 禮花彈,現場遺留上百個禮花彈桶以及玻璃鋼容器。駱原說:「這些禮花彈都屬於A類煙花,是北京市明令禁止燃放的產品。燃放時,曾有治安民警進行勸阻,然而 業主單位執意燃放。相關錄影資料都可以成為最終追究責任的有利證據。」

火燒6小時 1消防員殉職

火災造成1名消防員殉職,另 有6名消防員及1名工人受傷,附近的600多名居民被迫緊急疏散,整個東三環高速公路和地鐵10號線一度交通中斷。央視昨日對此發表道歉聲明,指對國家財 產受損「痛心」,對居民蒙受不便表示真誠道歉。但央視並無承認火災責任,只稱會配合當局調查。央視外事處負責人對媒體表示,不管查出誰人負責,都會秉公處 置,對施工外包方的責任,也會要求賠償道歉。


而據現場目擊者稱,火警是從大樓頂部逐漸向下蔓延, 估計是煙花點燃頂部塑料及泡膜隔熱物料,因大樓自動灑水裝置還未啟用,消防車水喉又射不到30層高的頂部,大火燃燒6小時才能被撲熄。有專業工程師向本報 表示,經此大火焚燒後,大樓即使主體結構未受損,修復難度亦不亞於重建。

據中新網報道,央視新址是已向中國人保財險投保,所投保險包括建工 一切險、施工設備財產險、僱主責任險,事故發生在保險合同期限內,人保財險已開始理賠作業。而大火殃及位於該樓內的北京文華東方酒店,總部位於香港的文華 東方酒店集團昨日表示,原計劃將於今年夏季啟用,但開業時間現在要延期。


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