Saturday, June 10, 2006

democracy and cat theory

Chen as Bao Zheng in his 2000 campaign ad

Related: 安替:昔日的邱毅?今日的陈水扁?只有制度,而不是圣人,才能真正除恶扬善


“It doesn’t matter,” Deng Xiaoping said, “whether a cat is white or black. If it catches the mouse, it is a good cat.”

The reason I am a big fan of Deng XP's "cat theory" is that only undisputable and quantifiable restuls are credible measures for the effectiveness of any idea, action, or strategy, or theory, in business, politics or our daily lives.

HK commentator Wang Anran once said, "The litmus test for the real practice of the idea of democracy, is that people shall have the right to recall the leader, and that they are not intimidated when making such request. To implement democracy, it is not [just] about a system, [the system is only a means to the end] more important is that people's power shall be strong enough to recall an incompetent leader, without having to wait until his term ends. US has exercised democracy in this form, the Phillipines, Indonesia also have done this. So should HK!..."
  • 真正的民主理念,是人民有权罢免国家的领导人,而且不怕提出这个诉求。要落实民主,不是一个制度,而是人民的力量真的足以使到无能的领导人下台,不必等到他的任期届满。美国有这个经验,菲律宾、印尼也有这经验,香港也一样可以有这经验!......这经验是:将一个无能的领导人赶下台来。
The people's power in HK finally succeeded in March 2005. True, HK does not have the system (suffrage) as Taiwan. We waited almost 2 full years. But people's voice has gradually been heeded since we voted with our feet on July 1st, 2003. Since Tung's stepping down, the SAR regime, and the Beijing Regime, paid a lot more attention to the people. A major step forward for HK's democratic development, albeit there are a lot more to go (which unfortunately has been largely overlooked/discounted by the democrats). Having been denied the system, people in HK has achieved what we can possibly achieve.

Democracy in the Chinese language means "Determined by people" literally,which slightly differs from (but arguably more broadly defined) than the Greek/English definition. So the more that people can determine what they want, the closer we are toward a democracy. It doesn't matter if we take the UK, US, French or German system. The system guarantees that we have the pathways to practice democracy. But no system is perfect. Results are objective and undisputable.

Is Taiwan more advanced in democratic development than HK? Can the Taiwanese people proudly shout over the strait that "we mee every test of democracy?" Will the other regime applaud if democracy prevail in Taiwan? or will it be very afraid? We will see in the next few months.

Related: Apple Daily Editorial (Jun 7)

Editorial: 扁辭職是最佳方案




Ming Pao Op-ed





1. 眷戀權力,更擔心失去權力。一旦提前去職,對於阿扁來說,將失去最大、最有效的保護傘,「總統府」、「第一家庭」、「第一親家」涉嫌的種種弊案將浮出水面,無所遁形。且,民眾疑慮重重的「三一九槍擊案」也有可能重新提上日程被追究偵緝。

2. 體制因素,奈他不何。歷經李登輝、陳水扁十餘年的主導,台灣的「雙首長制」明顯偏向「總統制」,「總統」雖大權在握,卻有權無責。依現行憲政體制,其地位很難撼動,「罷免」門檻特別高,「倒閣」存在大風險。對於在野黨,特別是諳熟法律卻又書生氣有餘、手段不足的馬英九來說,很難真正有所作為,「謀定後動」有其難言之隱。

3. 對弊案的可能控制。上台6年,阿扁對媒體、軍隊墨甚深,檢調也難言中立。檢調這次約談趙建銘,某種程度是順應民意,但遲滯十餘日才進行,給趙建銘留出進入「總統府」聽阿扁「訓斥」的機會。陳水扁的「御用律師」顧立雄出馬、「法務部長」施茂林表示很快就結案的放話,都給人想像的空間。本周,台開案將偵結,趙建銘能否交保是輿論的一個焦點。但無論起訴與否,都可能無法真正傷及陳水扁和他的「第一家庭」。


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