Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Use of Singapore CPF Medisave for treatment of Bipolar Disorder in Singapore (The Straits Times, ST)

Medisave Singapore - Bipolar Disorder

Use of Medisave for treatment of bipolar disorder in Singapore

Dear Friends,

Thanks for stopping by!

I have been very busy lately and not able to post or visit much. It's so good to be back again and count my blessings with all of you!

♥  Thank God for giving me much grace and strength in these recent weeks when I am busy with work, family and serving in church. Thank God for giving me simple peace and joy in Him daily.

♥ Thank God that Medisave has been approved for use in treatment of Bipolar Disorder in Singapore! This was reported recently in The Straits Times (ST) Singapore newspaper, 18 March 2011. This is indeed helpful to some patients as treatment for bipolar disorder is long term.

Here is a copy of the newspaper article (Click at the image to see a larger version). It is also available online here.

Medisave (Chinese: 保健储蓄) is a national medical savings account system for Singaporeans. The system allows Singaporeans to put aside part of their income into a Medisave account to meet future personal or immediate family's hospitalization, day surgery and for certain outpatient expenses. This Medisave is part of every employee's contribution to the Singapore Central Provident Fund (CPF) every month.

Thank God that now Medisave can be used to pay part of the outpatient treatment of bipolar disorder patients. It was reported that more people are being diagnosed with bipolar disorder, affirming the recent move by the Health Ministry (MOH) to free up Medisave funds to cover their outpatient treatment bills.

♥ Thank God that I can serve the Lord through this bipolar disorder blog and help to contribute a little bit towards the awareness of bipolar disorder in Singapore, and share some resources available on treatment of bipolar disorder.

Thank God that through this blog, the reporter from The Straits Times (ST) Singapore, Miss Poon Chian Hui kindly approached me for an interview regarding this report on the approval of the usage of Medisave for the outpatients treatment of bipolar disorder. 

Thank God that through the interview I have the opportunity to share some of my concerns regarding bipolar disorder in Singapore. It is sad that there is still a lot of ignorance, misunderstanding and terrible stigma associated with bipolar disorder and depression in Singapore. Like others with this neurological condition, I too feel that much can be done to raise awareness of this condition so that more compassion and understanding can be extended to us. I suggested in the interview that employers could be urged not to discriminate against mental patients. I also suggested that employers be offered financial perks if they allow extended time off, or shorter and flexible working hours for employees with mental illnesses. Hopefully in future, there will be more acceptance and help for this condition and other mental health condition in Singapore.

♥ Previously I was also interviewed by Straits Times Singapore regarding Bipolar Blog in Singapore on how blogging helped me to cope with Bipolar Disorder. I posted about it here. Thank God that the article has helped some of my readers.

♥ I thank God for all of you, for your prayers and encouragements. Thanks for stopping by!

Take care and have a blessed week!

Warm regards,

My brother took this lovely picture in New Zealand.
GOD, grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
and Wisdom to know the difference.

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