Sunday, September 3, 2006

Nazca lines in Taipei

According to Etoday, there is a set of Nazca lines in Taipei all these times. The lines will be brought out in the coming weeks when protestors fill the respective streets.
  • 范可欽說明,以景福門為支點,仁愛路、信義路與中山南路成為設出的三條線,就像是「手拿著代表規矩的『圓規』」,在總統府前立下一個規矩;也有人說像是個手握單刀的原住民勇士,準備砍下貪腐的政權;甚至有人形容,就像是一個裁判比出「出局」的手勢,遠看更像是一個巨大的倒扁手勢
  • "Fan said, using Jing Fu Gate as the fulcrum, Jen Ai Road, Hsin Yi Road and Chungshan South Road as three protruding lines, the graph looks like a "hand holding a compass" representing the rules and order in front of the presidential palace. Some others said the figure is a totem of an aborigine holding a knife, ready to chop off a corrupted government...
A pretty cool marketing gimmick. I am not quite sure how effective it will become. But if it manages to get into the Guiness Book, maybe this mass movement could leave some long lasting footprint to history and succeed in embarassing the target of the protests.

Street names and legends below

Update 9/9 Here is the actual picture (Apple Daily TW)


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