I took this picture at Changi Beach, Singapore
My brother took this picture in New Zealand.
Fear not... When thou passest through the waters,
I will be with thee
Isaiah 43:1,2
My grace is sufficient for thee:
for my strength is made perfect in weakness.
2 Corinthians 12:9
Dear Friends,
Thanks for stopping by! Thank God for seeing us through almost a month in this new year.
Several months ago a reporter from a local newspaper here in Singapore, the Straits Times, approached me for an interview regarding this blog on Bipolar Disorder - More Than Conquerors: (http://www.lifewithbipolardisorder.blogspot.com/). She was writing on how blogging help people cope with chronic illnesses and asked if I could share my story so that it can help others.
This interview was published a few days ago in The Sunday Times, 23 January 2011, Lifestyle section, page 9, and thank God for several readers in Singapore who wrote to let me know they appreciate my sharing of my own experiences plus the resources available. They themselves or their loved ones too suffer from bipolar disorder.
Click at the picture to see a larger version
♥ I thank God that I can testified of His goodness and mercies to me through this blog. He is the One Who sustains me daily and enable me to cope and live a useful life for Him. Thank God that He is with us through all the changing scenes in life and He is working all things for His glory and our good. He promised that His grace is sufficient for us. He is my greatest comfort, peace and strength daily.
♥ I thank God for my family, my Church brethren and friends who love and accept me, pray for me and support me in my time of need. I am thankful to God for the joy and privilege of being acquainted with several people who are also suffering from bipolar, depression and other chronic illnesses and to be able to pray, support, encourage and learn from one another. I thank God for everyone of you, my dear blogging friends, and for your prayers and encouragements. They mean a lot to me. You have made a great difference in my life and used by God to encourage me and show me His love by your friendship and encouraging notes. You are in my thoughts and prayers too.
I thank God that I am in a community of people who love God and love me, who accepts me in my illness and weaknesses, and continue to extend their love and friendship to me. To the Lord and to all of you I owe a debt I cannot repay.
Thank you once again for all your prayers as I seek to walk with our Lord and serve Him within these limitations. Through your support, prayers and encouragements, God makes blogging therapeutic to me. It not only allows me to share my thoughts and feelings, and journal them as a form of reminder of God's goodness, it also encourages me through your friendships, prayers and encouragements. I am encouraged whenever I remember that there are people who care and are praying for me, and I am not alone.
♥ I am thankful to God that besides my personal sanctification and leading me to know more of His love, grace and mercies daily, He has opened a door of usefulness for me even through this condition and this blog. Since this blog was started in 2008, several readers from different parts of the world have also written to me to share their experiences and to let me know how the resources shared on my blog have helped them.
♥ May God be glorified through this blog. May He continue to use it to help others and their loved ones who are suffering in these ways and in need. Hope our Lord will lead some to come to find peace and comfort in the Lord too.
To God be the glory. Take care.
In His blessed care,

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