First up, Heart Felt Headbands from Made by Lex.
Get it? Cause they're hearts made from felt! Whatever the name, I fell head over heels at first sight (yup, I'm going to find a way to get tons of clichéd love saying into this post!). And wait until you see how easy they are to make!
Just cut some hearts out of felt.
Cut another strip of felt, about 1.5x3 inches, and glue the hearts to it.
Layer them however you like.
And then hot glue the strip to a plain headband.
In no time, you have a great gift you can make with - or for - the sweetheart in your life.
I told you these were easy! Get the full tutorial here at Made by Lex.
Katie Did? Well, she outdid herself with this adorable project, replacing the typical Valentine's Day card and candy with something special that works for both boys and girls.
Are those perfection or what? The girls in her daughter's class each got a heart bracelet (Katie sewed buttons on the felt strips as closures), hand picked and addressed just for them.
While the boys got arrows, appropriate for Valentine's Day without being too frilly.
So yes, having love in your life is wonderful. But it can also be a whole lot prettier with a lovely headband and matching bracelet. I'm just sayin'.
Images: Made by Lex & Katie Did
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